Sunday, 3 January 2010

How to write poetry

Poetry writing, publish poetry, poets, writing, haiku poems, free verse, lyrical poems, poetry types and styles If you want to write poetry, take a look around you. There are plenty of ideas all around you. I would suggest you go through the park for a stroll with pen and paper. Pay attention and try to write down things you have observed like; the trees, the leaves, the people walking around, the color of the sky, things that spark your imagination.

One of the best ways to get ideas to write poetry is by the observation of others. Write down some of the conversation you hear, what they are wearing, lovers holding hands or lovers in a quarrel. The ideas are to pay attention and take as much notes as you can. You will not be writing your poetry at this time.

You can browse through old pictures that can spark a blissful moment n your life or a not so blissful moment if your life. You can also go through magazine to come up with idea about the photos. Same thing can be said for listening to music. Certain type of music when you close your eyes can take you to a whole new place that can open the flood gate of your imagination and allowed the words to just flow on the paper.

Now that you have find ways to become creative to write poetry, one would have to decide what types of poetry I should write. If you are not sure of the style of poetry writing, will list them to give you a better understanding.

Haiku: Haiku comes in many different styles. A haiku can be three lines long with five syllables on the first line, seven syllables on the second line and five syllables on the third line. Haiku's are not the easiest poetry to write.

Narrative Poems: One of my favorite ways to write poetry is to write narrative poems. These stories should be short with a beginning, middle and conclusion. Lyric Poems: Lyric poems sound very similar to songs. The lyrics are put together in a rhyming patterns..

A Sonnet: Sonnets are lyrical songs. Sonnets are long and dramatic, tell a story. Free Verse: Free verses do not have to rhyme. They can be short or long with any style you want.

Writing poetry and publish poetry can be fun. The styles has listed are only some basic forms of poetry. Decide what subject that interests you. Write a first draft and then go away from the poetry for a while and come back with clear eyes so it can have the proper feel and love. Have fun writing poetry.

My name is Mel and here at you will get a chance to read some of my writings. I always wanted to write and publish books but never realize the challenge I would face trying to get a publisher to look at my manuscript. I went the route you always hear a writer should not go, and that was to self-publish.I enjoy writing poetry.

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1 comment:

  1. i also love narrative poems and i think you present a nice concise definition of the form.
